How to Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages

When you come across a deleted message on WhatsApp you can’t help but wonder what it said. Was it lost? Did they something I shouldn’t know about or it was just a mistake?

If you can’t resist the curiosity, in this article you will discover how to read deleted WhatsApp messages with or without having to install 3rd party applications on your device.

There are a few options to help you uncover the content that was deleted.

You can find software in the Android and iOS app stores that can reveal deleted WhatsApp messages.

Alternatively, some manual methods are also available, although they may be more time-consuming but that also depends on the level of your curiosity.

Read also: South Africa – How to Protect Your Rights During Retrenchment

Keep in mind that most methods require activation before receiving the deleted message notification, so choose the best option to ensure you can recover deleted WhatsApp messages in the future.

Method 1: Android Notifications History (works on Android 11 and above)

Go to “Settings” on your Android phone.

Select “Apps and Notifications” and then “Notifications.”

Find and select “Notification History” and turn on the “Use Notification History” option.

This will show a log of all notifications received by the device, including the text of deleted WhatsApp messages.

If the “Use Notification History” option was on, you should be able to read the deleted WhatsApp messages.

Method 2: Deleting the iOS App

You can recover deleted WhatsApp messages on an iPhone by deleting and reinstalling the WhatsApp app.

Make sure your messages are backed up to iCloud first. After reinstalling, sign in to your account and select the option to restore chats from the back-up.

This will restore all messages, including deleted ones.

Method 3: Apps for iOS and Android

Both app stores have numerous apps that can recover deleted WhatsApp messages. However, be careful when downloading, especially from the Google Play store, as many apps contain malware that could infect your device. Additionally, many apps come with ads or require a paid version, making them difficult to use.

Man hearing voices commits suicide in Waterloo


A Psychotic male who is believed to have been hearing voices committed suicide in a bush opposite the entrance of Phase 6, Waterloo on Sunday.

The family called for assistance as he had gone missing. Earlier in the morning that day he had attempted to commit suicide but his family intervened. The family told the officers who had come to their assistance that he complained about hearing voices in his head.

Reaction Officers and his family searched the area and discovered him hanging from a tree.

“I entered through the door and penetrated her”, said the sex offender


A 34-year-old man was beaten by the community after he allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in her sleep. She was in her home when she was allegedly sexually assaulted.

The neighbors called for assistance from RUSA the local security company to the property. Officers arrived at the scene and were briefed on the situation. It came to light that the 31-year-old victim was asleep next to her husband.

She suddenly woke up after someone after she felt someone attempting to penetrate her. She asked her husband if he was the one attempting to penetrate her but he denied it. The husband switched the lights on and discovered a man in their room.

They called out for help to their neighbours and the suspect was apprehended. The suspect confirmed that he resides in the same area. He was questioned about how he managed to enter the house, and he said he entered through an unlocked door and proceeded to their bedroom.

In the bedroom that’s when he used his finger to finger the victim. He sustained injuries after he was assaulted by the community. He was placed under arrest and handed over to the police for further investigation.

Wendy house gutted in fire


A Wendy house was gutted in a fire in Brake Village yesterday. In a scare of the potential spread of the fire to the main building, the residents called for help from the local security company.

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Reaction Unit South Africa responded to the scene upon receiving a call from distressed residents. Officers were dispatched to the scene and on arrival, they found the wooden structure engulfed in flames.

The public and the RUSA team managed to contain the fire and prevented it from spreading to the main building. The fire was put out when the Ethikwini Fire Department when arrived on the scene.

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The cause of the fire was not established immediately.

In other stories

A Toyota Hino truck overturned on the R102 at the entrance of Buffelsdale. The driver said this all happened so fast as he veered off the road trying to avoid a head-on collision with a mini taxi bus.

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The truck climbed an embankment and overturned. Help was called for by passing motorists. The response team arrived on the scene and found the truck lying upside down. The driver briefed the officers on what had happened leading to this unfortunate event.

No injuries were reported.

Sibonelo Mchunu appointed acting head of Durban Metro police


Sibonelo Mchunu’s appointment follows the retirement of former head Steve Middleton last month. He has officially been appointed to head up Durban’s metro police in an acting capacity.

According to Mchunu’s letter of appointment signed by eThekwini Municipality deputy manager Musa Gumede. Mchunu’s began his new job on February 1 and the appointment will be reviewed periodically.

Speaking to the press, Mchunu said he had acted in the post more than 20 times previously.

“I am humbled and excited and looking forward to my tenure. I will not disappoint the people of eThekwini, our visitors or investors,” Mchunu added.

The press previously reported that Mchunu had been a strong candidate to fill the post. Mchunu also told the publication that he had applied for the post, which was advertised when Middleton announced his retirement.

“After having risen from a constable to the deputy head of this force, I think I am ready to lead as the new head. I also meet all the requirements but the panel will appoint whoever it feels is right for the job,” he said.

The SAPS act’s section 64 stipulates that a new head must come from within the force. Mchunu also met the requirement pertaining to the period an applicant has served both in the force and in a management position, having joined 25 years ago and been the deputy head for several years.

Woman discovers body of fatally stabbed son in Cottonlands


A 69-year-old female discovered her son’s lifeless body with multiple stab wounds on a footpath in Cottonlands.

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Upon discovering this, they called for assistance from Reaction Unit South Africa. RUSA responded to the call, officers were led to the pathway where the lifeless body was. The 38-year-old sustained multiple stab wounds to his chest and abdomen. He was announced deceased by the medics.

The deceased’s 28-year-old friend was discovered at his home approximately 30 meters away. He had been stabbed three (3) times in his abdomen, twice in his neck, and once in his right leg. He informed Reaction Officers that he and the deceased were consuming traditional beer at his residence last night.

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Two unknown males approached and befriended them. The four consumed alcohol together. Around 00:00 they decided to purchase more alcohol from a local tavern. The homeowner and the two unknown men left while the deceased remained in the house. While walking to the tavern, the two males produced knives and repeatedly stabbed the victim.

They left him for dead and returned to the house where they stabbed the deceased. It could not be confirmed if they dumped his body in the pathway or if the critically injured man collapsed while attempting to seek assistance. His injured friend managed to make his way back to the house.

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According to the deceased’s mother, she contacted him telephonically late last night and requested that he return home. This morning, she discovered that he did not return and went in search of him when she made discovery. The motive for the attack was confirmed.

Reminder to fill up as petrol and diesel price is to go up tomorrow

The latest data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF) shows that motorists in South Africa’s fortunes have turned, and drivers should prepare for a sizeable increase in petrol and diesel prices next week.

The CEF’s data on 25 January 2023 points to a petrol price jump of almost 60 cents per litre, while diesel is expected to climb by around 30 cents per litre.

Prices have continued their gradual trend into an under-recovery territory, and the snapshot is a complete reversal of conditions at the start of the year and even the middle of the month, where a petrol and diesel price cut was still on the cards.

The expected changes are as follows:

  • Petrol 93: increase of 58 cents a litre;
  • Petrol 95: increase of 52 cents a litre;
  • Diesel 0.05%: increase of 33 cents a litre;
  • Diesel 0.005%: increase of 22 cents a litre;
  • Illuminating paraffin: increase of 38 cents a litre.

The main driver behind the higher local prices is the rising cost of international petroleum product prices, pushed higher by a stronger global oil price.

The increase would be worse by about 12 to 15 cents per litre if the rand wasn’t in a relatively strong position vs the US dollar. The currency exchange rate is currently contributing to an over-recovery of around that amount.

Oil prices, meanwhile, are contributing to a bigger under-recovery, ranging from 35 to 68 cents per litre.

Analysis by Bloomberg economists noted that oil has advanced in price as investors weighed the outlook for Chinese demand, while a weaker dollar made some commodities more attractive for buyers.

Oil prices hit 87$ a barrel on Thursday, as China made moves to reopen its slowing economy after dropping its zero-Covid stance.

The number of virus-related deaths and severe cases at hospitals in China is now 70% lower than peak levels in early January, authorities said late Wednesday. That should aid recovery in mobility and fuel consumption in the biggest oil importer.

Crude has also benefited from a slump in the dollar, with a gauge of the greenback near the lowest since April, Bloomberg said.

According to the Automobile Association (AA), the expected increases will put an even bigger burden on consumers who are already under strain due to the rising costs of living in South Africa.

“Any increases to fuel prices now, at a time when South Africans are grappling with, among other issues, financial pressures and rolling blackouts, is unwelcome. We again want to urge the government to revisit the fuel pricing structure with a view to finding ways to mitigate against this and other possible increases in future,” it said.

In addition to the expected increases for February, the AA warned the Minister of Finance will be delivering his Budget Speech in Parliament in mid-February, where potential fuel tax hikes might be announced.

Although the announcement of these taxes would be made in February, the actual adjustments would only come into effect in April. However, this will be at the same time Eskom’s 18.65% electricity price hike is planned to come into effect.

“Last year, the Minister heeded calls by the AA not to increase the two main levies attached to the petrol and diesel prices: the General Fuel Levy and the Road Accident Fund levy. We again urge the Minister to follow this same route when he delivers his Budget Speech this year and to consider the implications of increasing these taxes on all South Africans.

“Consumers can simply not afford any more price shocks, and considering the impending 18.65% increase to electricity rates, an increase to the levies will deal a massive blow to personal finances,” the AA said.

“Consumers continue to be extremely embattled and increases to the two fuel levies will be counter-productive, are ill-timed, and have disastrous outcomes for millions of people already struggling to make ends meet.”

A couple jailed for stealing millions from the KZN Blind and Deaf Society


A Durban husband and wife found guilty of swindling millions of rand from the KZN Blind and Deaf Society have been sentenced to jail.

The wife, Ruvanya Ramiah, 31, was sentenced to an effective 15 years behind bars, while her husband, Ayush Rambally, 32, was jailed for 8 years.

The couple pleaded guilty to fraud and theft in June last year.

Ramiah pleaded guilty to 354 counts of fraud, amounting to over R12.6 million, while Rambally pleaded guilty to 79 counts of theft, amounting to about R1.7m.

In her plea, Ramiah, who worked as a finance officer for the society from March 2012 to February 2019, said she committed fraud by paying herself inflated salaries, twice and sometimes more often in the same month.

More to read

According to NPA spokesperson Natasha Kara, the accused said her duties included salary payments and general payments, and she had access to and control of the Society’s banking accounts.

“She also created false payments to suppliers and fabricated evidence to support those payments. The money went into her bank account and that of her husband.”

Rambally said in his plea that he took the money knowing very well that he was not entitled to it, as he was neither an employee nor a creditor of the Society.

In admitting that his actions were wrong, he admitted to using Society’s money for his and his wife’s purposes.

In aggravation of the sentence, senior state advocate Andre Carlitz led the evidence of Veetha Sewkuran, who is the president of the KZN Blind and Deaf Society.

“Sewkuran said that once news of the fraud had gotten out, funders and companies withdrew their funding and association with the Society.

“She said that the lack of funds resulted in them retrenching 15 staff members who then took the Society to the Council for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA), thus causing the Society further financial problems.

“Sewkuran mentioned that Ramiah was in a position of trust and she betrayed that trust,” said Kara.

“The fraud committed has impacted the reputation of the Society, with the Society needing to prove itself as it is still under scrutiny from donors and the public. She said that the Society may have to close its doors should it not recover from its loss.”

In handing down the sentence, the court found that the couple did not show remorse and pleaded guilty due to the overwhelming evidence against them.

“The court concluded that their motive was for greed and not need, as they were receiving an income and Ramiah held a full-time job.”

BOLO missing dog.


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Missing dog male, medium size and cream in colour. Last spotted in the Fynnlands area on Wylie Road in Bluff. If seen please call (081) 563 8115 or (064) 680 0330.

Man shot dead, the killer calls victim’s cousin to inform them of the crime


A 28-year-old man was gunned down in Madadeni, KwaZulu-Natal while walking down a road. However, after shooting the young man, the killer then took the victim’s phone and called the victim’s cousin to inform them of the crime.

Local police explained that the crime occurred on 26 January 2023. The 28-year-old man had visited friends and was on his way home on foot. At 9.45 pm, as the man was walking through Section 7 of Madadeni, his evening took a violent turn.

“An unidentified person shot him in the chest. The suspect then took the deceased’s Nokia cellphone and contacted his (the victim’s) cousin to inform them of the crime,” said a police source.
After informing the shocked family member of the fatal shooting, the police source added that the suspect then switched off the cellphone and vanished with it.

Madadeni SAPS spokesperson Constable Langa explained that a suspect was arrested later that night, without divulging the suspect