Durban beaches stayed open during holidays despite unacceptable levels of sewage – report

A recently released report shows that at least four Durban beaches were open to the public over the December festive season in spite of water quality tests showing they had unacceptably high readings of E. coli — sewage — with levels above the cut-off of 500cfu/100ml.

According to the report, which was tabled at an eThekwini municipal public accounts committee meeting recently, the beaches were Umkomaas, Wedge, South Beach and Vetch’s Pier. And samples taken from Addington Beach and Ushaka Beach showed levels very close to 500 E. coli levels.

The report has also been included in ActionSA’s final replying affidavit, in its legal bid in the Durban high court to compel the eThekwini municipality and relevant government departments to sort out the ongoing sewage crisis in the metro.

The report is dated January 9 and signed by S Mazubela, deputy head, scientific services, water and sanitation and acting deputy city manager, trading services Sibusiso Makhanya.

It details excessive high readings of E. coli at several beaches, particularly between November 27 and December 31. Most of these beaches remained closed to the public over that time.

It notes that beaches are sampled for bacteriological faecal indicators — namely E. coli, as an indication of sewage being present in the system.

“A limit of 500cfu/100ml is used as a cut-off point for this. Exposure to water with high levels of these pathogens can be detrimental to human health,” it says.

In a table, it then details water quality results for Durban beaches that, at that time, were open.

The tests were conducted between December 27 and 30 — the height of the holiday season.

Read | Mtwalume Holiday Resort Apologises for ‘Homophobic’ Policy Misconception

The readings reflect that Umkomaas had 563cfu/100ml, Wedge Beach 624, South Beach 520 and Vetch’s Pier 650.

Ushaka Beach’s reading was 496 and Addington Beach 465 — both dangerously close to the cut-off point.In his replying affidavit, ActionSA’s provincial chairperson Zwakele Mncwango, says the report shows that the opening of these beaches was “reckless at best, and a deliberate endangerment of the public at worst”.

In its court challenge, ActionSA is essentially asking for a declaration that the government respondents’ failure to deal with the post-flood sewage crisis — which has resulted in raw sewage flowing into rivers and the ocean and beaches having to be closed — is unconstitutional and contrary to environmental laws and bylaws.

It seeks orders compelling the respondents to deal with the situation and appoint independent sanitation experts, engineers and environmental specialists who must report back to the court on progress.

The city and the relevant government departments have all filed affidavits opposing the application.

The city says it is doing all it can to resolve the situation but is hamstrung by lack of funding, even though it concedes it has been given R1.5bn from Cogta for construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged in the floods.

It says R228m of this had been earmarked for repairs to water services — but this was still significantly below the total amount required.

Several of the government respondents agree that the municipality is not doing its job.

Dr Bonginkosi Dlamini, from the provincial department of economic affairs, tourism and environmental affairs, said in an affidavit the department had served many warning notices on the municipality, even before the floods, but the city had failed to comply with these.

He said the city had consistently and blatantly failed to halt the pollution of rivers and the ocean and his department had now laid criminal charges aimed at prosecuting the city manager, Musa Mbhele, and others for their inaction in controlling pollution levels.

Mncwango, in his latest affidavit, said except for Dlamini (on behalf of the MEC), the other respondents had played a “blame game” arguing it was the fault of other spheres of government that the sewage crisis had not been remedied.

“One startling admission is however common cause, and that is that the eThekwini infrastructure is in a dire state and needs urgent redress.”

He said the beaches were opened — suddenly “fixed” — in December with no explanation of the scientific basis for this.

“To argue that there is regular testing of the E. coli levels is of no comfort. No explanation is given to the court as to who conducts these tests, how often they are conducted and where the ‘regular updates’ are published … the only inference that can be drawn is that the respondents are well aware that the E. coli levels presented infrequently are unreliable.”

He said the city had promised to produce an “action plan”, and the party and others would likely need to file further affidavits in response to this before the matter could be set down for argument. TimesLIVE

Folweni Man Arrested For Illegally Making Guns and Selling Them


Durban Metro Police Service (DMPS) has arrested a man for illegally manufacturing guns and selling them.

DMPS spokesperson, Supt Boysie Zungu, said that officers received information about the suspect allegedly making and selling homemade firearms in the Efolweni area.

Following up on the tip, a team was dispatched to investigate.

“After arriving at the Ensimbini area, officers were able to locate a suspect and conducted a search of the premises”

“During the search, officers discovered a homemade shotgun, 20 homemade revolvers, and an undisclosed amount of unaccounted ammunition”

During the search, officers discovered a homemade shotgun, 20 homemade revolvers, and an undisclosed amount of unaccounted ammunition
During the search, officers discovered a homemade shotgun, 20 homemade revolvers, and an undisclosed amount of unaccounted ammunition. Photo: Durban Metro Police

“The suspect was promptly arrested and taken to the Efolweni South African Police Service station for further processing,” Zungu said.

Illegal firearms have been a major concern for South African law enforcement agencies, with incidents of gun violence on the rise.

During the search, officers discovered a homemade shotgun, 20 homemade revolvers, and an undisclosed amount of unaccounted ammunition
During the search, officers discovered a homemade shotgun, 20 homemade revolvers, and an undisclosed amount of unaccounted ammunition. Photo: Durban Metro Police

“The Durban Metro Police Service is committed to cracking down on illegal firearms and working towards a safer community for all residents,” said Zungu.

Mtwalume Holiday Resort Apologises for ‘Homophobic’ Policy Misconception

The Mtwalumi holiday resort located on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast caused controversy on social media when it was revealed that their rental committee required approval for “same-sex” groups to stay at the resort.

The resort was accused of being homophobic by some social media users who demanded its closure.

However, Craig Anderson, a trustee at the resort, clarified the situation.

Anderson explained that the resort’s rules were not directed at the LGBTQIA+ community, who were welcome to stay at the resort subject to the same rules as all guests.

Anderson revealed that the rental committee was instituted to mitigate unacceptable incidents caused by large same-sex groups of men and women visiting the resort.

Rule 5, together with rule 4, stipulated that no “Bulls and Hens” parties were allowed, and no same-sex groups were allowed until approved by the rental committee.

Anderson emphasized that the rental committee was established to deal with each application on its individual merits and avoid a “one size fits all” approach.

Furthermore, the definition applied to “groups” included more than four individuals. There was no screening of “same-sex” groups of guests numbering four or fewer.

Anderson explained that the Mtwalumi Holiday Resort aimed to provide a family-friendly environment, free from unsavoury incidents historically perpetuated by large same-sex groups of guests.

Anderson apologized for any misconception created by the “same-sex” connotation.

Five People Killed In Two Drive-by Shootings In Tongaat


A total of five people were shot and killed in two separate drive-by shootings in Tongaat, KwaZulu Natal on Thursday afternoon. Two other people sustained serious injuries in the double shootings.

Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) spokesperson Pram Balram said that they received frantic calls at 13h16 about a shooting in progress in the Tongaat CBD.

Five People Killed In Two Drive-by Shootings In Tongaat

“Reaction Officers were dispatched to the Golden Sun Supermarket on Gopalall Hurbans Road in the Tongaat,” he said.

“On arrival, Reaction Officers discovered a white VW Polo with multiple bullet holes stationary at the intersection.


Five People Killed In Two Drive-by Shootings In Tongaat

“Two male occupants sustained multiple gunshot wounds and were declared deceased by Paramedics from a private ambulance service.

“A female passenger was treated for an injury to her head,” he added.

He said it was believed that the victims were caught up in the shooting as a matter of mistaken identity, however, this could not be immediately confirmed.

Five People Killed In Two Drive-by Shootings In Tongaat

“A second team of RUSA Members were dispatched to the R614 and Gopalall Hurbans Road intersection in Fairbreeze – KZN approximately 4 kilometres away.

Read | Two Killed In Peters Road Drive-by Shooting Another Critically Injured

“On arrival, the officers found a white Ford Ranger bakkie at the robots. The vehicle had been shot multiple times with high calibre weapons,” he added.

Five People Killed In Two Drive-by Shootings In Tongaat

The three occupants were fatally injured.

They were in possession of high calibre weapons and it was confirmed that they were Security Officers.

While attending to the scene, a white Mercedes Benz arrived. The driver advised RUSA Members one of his passengers had been shot.

It was confirmed that a taxi boss and was the target of the assassins. His passenger was a Security Officer tasked with his protection.


Five People Killed In Two Drive-by Shootings In Tongaat

They were travelling in a white Toyota Corolla when gunmen opened fire on his vehicle and his Security escort.

The taxi boss abandoned his vehicle on the R614. The injured male was treated for a gun shot injury to his hand.

RUSA dispatched its Helicopter to search for the suspects.

Police have not yet commented on the matter.

Brandon ‘Puff’ Kalicharan – The Rise And Fall


Brandon “Puff” Kalicharan, a notorious underworld figure in Durban who ran the 11th Street Gang was killed in a drive-by shooting in Peters Road, Springfield Park on Tuesday 21 March 2023.

Who was Brandon “Puff” Kalicharan?

He was a flashy and high-profile underworld figure from Chatsworth who lived a fast and luxurious lifestyle, owning several high-performance cars worth millions of rands, throwing lavish parties, and dressing only in the best clothes.

Kalicharan ran the 11th Street Gang named after the Chatsworth unit where he grew up. He built his drug distribution empire by waging a bloody war on the streets of Chatsworth, taking out his rivals in drive-by shootings.

Observers say that his success was due to his ability to forge ties with street gangs across Durban, including the feared Cartel Gang in Wentworth.

Kalicharan’s wife, Jeconiah Naidoo-Kalicharan, was always by his side, embracing the lifestyle and known for her expensive taste in clothes and jewelry.

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 21, 2023, as South Africa observed Human Rights Day, the lives of the Kalicharans, including their innocent nine-year-old daughter, came to an end.

In Springfield Park, Durban, heavily armed gunmen pulled up alongside the family’s VW Amarok and sprayed it with bullets from both sides.

Brandon "Puff" Kalicharan

Read | Two shot in a drive-by shooting in Greenwood Park

More than 50 rounds of high-caliber bullets penetrated the car.

Brandon and Jeconiah were struck multiple times and died on the scene. Their daughter was still alive by the time paramedics arrived and was taken to hospital where she later succumbed to her injuries.

KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson, Colonel Robert Netshiunda said that Kalicharan was a “person of interest” and had been on the Hawks radar for some time.

“The motive of the killing is unknown as yet, although preliminary investigations suggest that the man, who was shot, was allegedly involved in drug and gang-related activities in Chatsworth and was a person of interest in some cases which are being investigated by the Hawks,” he said.

Brandon “Puff” Kalicharan grew up in Crossmoor, Chatsworth and attended Crossmead Primary and Crossmoor Secondary School.

He lost his father, Sylvan at a young age and was raised by his single mother in Universal Place Road – considered a nicer part of Chatsworth because it had free-standing houses and was away from the tenement flats.

Kalicharan’s entry into the cut-throat world of gangs and drugs began in the early 2000s when he left his job in a clothing factory shop to go work for Kelvin “Kellys” Naidoo who owned Phat Funk Clothing shops in Chatsworth and Phoenix.

According to police sources, these legitimate shops were mere fronts for a lucrative drug racket.

In 2008, Naidoo was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting by the Drey Boys Gang.

Three members of the Drey Boys Gang were convicted of the murders and were sentenced to life in prison.

It was during this period that Kalicharan began running the Chatsworth underworld.

He moved away from the clothing business and opened a tavern from where he plotted his expansion.

The Drey Boys, however, stood in his way which culminated in a bloody gang war in which several people were killed in drive-by shootings between 2008 and 2011.

While suspicions were high, police were unable to pin any of the murders on Kalicharan.

After consolidating his power in Chatsworth, Kalicharan, according to police sources, turned his business into a drug wholesale operation – rather than street pushing – where he would sell large quantities of drugs to street gangs across Durban.

The popularity of the cheap heroin-based drug known as “sugars” brought in tens of thousands of rands every day.

EThekwini Prepaid Electricity Vending System Down!


eThekwini Municipality residents on Tuesday complained that they were unable to buy prepaid electricity tokens.

In a statement, the city told residents that they were aware of a temporary disturbance in the electricity vending system.

“Customers are temporarily unable to buy prepaid electricity tokens due to damage in our fibre cables.”

“Technicians are currently attending to this problem. Should the repairs take longer than expected, customers are urged to purchase electricity at our Sizakala centres tomorrow morning from 07h30,” said the city in a statement.

The municipal vending sites were inactive.

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The municipality advised customers to visit Sizakala centres tomorrow morning from 07h30 if the problem persists.

Residents took to social media sharing their issues and concerns on the City’s Facebook page.

One resident wrote, “So we should wait until 7:30 in the morning why there is no alternative solution? The most irritating thing is that people who are honest to buy electricity are the ones suffering and those who Rob it does not have a problem.”

Another resident asked, “This is a usual occurrence now. Are your fibre contractors sabotaging you in order to get repairs and maintenance work? Are your employees colluding with the saboteurs, what’s going on?”

Two Killed In Peters Road Drive-by Shooting Another Critically Injured


Two people were killed and another one seriously injured when unknown gunmen sprayed multiple bullets at a vehicle on Peters Road in Springfield Park on Tuesday afternoon.

Emer-G-Med Paramedics spokesperson Kyle van Reenen said that his team and Netcare911 responded to the scene of the shooting at about 14h30.

“On arrival at the scene, a Volkswagen Amarok was found to have been sprayed with high-calibre bullet holes,” said van Reenen.

Two occupants in the front of the vehicle, an adult male and female were declared dead on arrival of paramedics.

A teenage female who was seated in the back of the vehicle was found in critical condition.

Read | Three suspects killed during a shootout with police in KZN South Coast

“Advanced Life Support intervention was needed to stabilize her and due to her extensive injuries, she went into a state of cardiac arrest. CPR efforts were successful and she was rushed by ambulance under the care of an Emergency Care Practitioner to a nearby hospital for further care,” he added.

The facts surrounding the incident and the events preceding it are unclear and will form the subject of a South African Police Services investigation.

Two Killed In Peters Road Drive-by Shooting Another Critically Injured
Two Killed In Peters Road Drive-by Shooting Another Critically Injured

Authorities find 249 hidden ‘EFF’ tyres


The City of Cape Town said they have discovered hidden tyres hidden in “strategic” places around Cape Town.

The Mayco Member of Safety and Security Jean-Pierre Smith suspects that the tyres were meant to be used for the EFF National Shutdown march that will take place on Monday 20 March.

Smith said they uncovered 249 tyres around the City of Cape Town.

He said by 11 am on Friday 17 March, they already had removed 249 tyres.

“Our enforcement staff have observed stockpiles of tyres being placed at strategic locations, suspected in preparation for the EFF’s supposed peaceful protest. These morning tyres were already set alight on Baden Powell drive, in an attempt to disrupt traffic flow. Besides an incredible amount of damage to the road surface that almost instantly results in potholes from developing, sadly it will be these most vulnerable communities that will suffer most from such cowardly acts of damage to infrastructure,” said Smith.

Read | Four died in fire and burnt beyond recognition

The City of Cape Town employees have been busy picking up tyres in Cape Town.

Smith also said the EFF will pay for breaking by-laws.

“With already over 300 posters removed from across the City, the current bill for which the EFF is being charged, is sitting at R154 200,00,” said Smith.

He said the Outdoor Advertising and Signage by-law prohibits unlawful display signage.

“While teams have been tasked with the removal of such unlawful signage, the cost of such removal as indicated within the pricing schedule sits at R514 per poster.

This cost will be applied without prejudice, onto the invoice to the EFF, along with any other additional services that may be required due to their proposed Shut Down protest or for any damages caused to infrastructure or property,” said Smith.

Recently EFF told Durban Sun that nothing will stop them from their intended march and that they would not apply for permission.

Durban men ambushed and robbed 500 000 rands worth of coins


On Thursday morning, an incident occurred at the intersection of Hunslet Road and Cross Road robots at the M25 on-ramp in Phoenix Industrial Park.

According to an incident report, the victims were transporting 30 crates filled with money bags containing R5, R2, R1, 50c, 20c, and 10c cash coins to be banked at SBV in Pinetown.

The victims were allegedly ambushed en route by a white Isuzu bakkie that blocked their vehicle and forced the driver to stop. Three men, two of them armed, then approached the vehicle, pointing firearms.

They entered the vehicle and pushed the victims to the back before driving off with the vehicle. The Isuzu bakkie followed behind.

The suspects drove to an abandoned spot in Duffs Road, Durban, where they offloaded 20 crates of coins consisting of R5, R2, and R1, allegedly leaving the smaller coins behind.

The total value of the stolen coins was R545,947.

The robbers refused to take the victim’s phone because it was an old make and took their vehicle keys instead.

The suspects fled the scene in their bakkie with the stolen coins. The victims then called their boss for assistance with towing their vehicle.

Phoenix SAPS is investigating a case of robbery following the incident. A 58-year-old man and his colleagues were robbed by three armed men, according to Provincial police spokesperson Constable Thenjiswa Ngcobo.

The complainant alleged that he was driving along Hunslet Road to the bank when unknown armed suspects blocked their vehicle, took an undisclosed amount of cash at gunpoint, and drove off.

One dead and two injured in a deadly shoutout in Durban CBD


A 30-year-old man and his friend were allegedly targeted in a shooting outside a doctor’s room just before 6 pm. According to reports, an armed suspect approached the man and fired about five shots, causing the victim to attempt to escape by running into a passage.

However, the gunman cornered him outside the doctor’s room and fired several more shots, resulting in the victim’s death.

The doctor, who was locking his rooms at the time, was also hit by bullets and sustained a gunshot wound.

He was rushed to the hospital for treatment. The victim’s friend was also injured and transported to the hospital.

The incident report suggests that almost 10 shots were fired, and police discovered five spent cartridges outside the entrance to the doctor’s rooms. Bullet holes were also found on the doctor’s room glass doors and walls.

The gunman reportedly fled on foot, and the police are investigating the case as murder and attempted murder.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) has been contacted for comment on the matter. This incident comes just a month after another shooting in the Durban CBD, where two men were gunned down in a suspected turf war.

Darryl Manickum, 30, and Tyron Pillay, 30, were fatally wounded while seated in a blue Hyundai i10 after being confronted by gunmen.